50字范文 > 【苏州狮子林介绍】...狮子林LionGroveGarden留园lingeringGarden网


时间:2020-03-18 07:29:59




苏州园林简介我需要苏州园林的英文简介,一段话概括该园林的地理位置,以及特点.以下:拙政园 Humble Administrators Garden沧浪亭 Garden of Surging Wave Pavilion狮子林 Lion Grove Garden留园 lingering Garden网师园 master of nets garden耦园Couples Garden虎丘tiger hill如果有其他的更好麻烦帮我整理,分没那么好拿的,我提高分数吧这个又不是什么偏题,自然会有人整理过,榜眼有什么了不起,给人时间谁都能做到,分数而已,倒是堂堂榜眼靠混分数来的,你害不害臊?不想回答就不用说废话了网上随便搜索就能找到的我也没必要来悬赏说了废话自己还分不清,看看你楼上的,白痴真的不少,哎,可怜的人呢


【答案】 网师园









Coupling Park, located in Lou, two of the small bridge roadway. All park layout, quite properly. Yellowstone Park rockery, as the whole theme of the stack natural, appropriate location, steep Junba, meteorological powerful, Suzhou Gardens in Yellowstone rockery more successful one. It is worthy of outbound tours to frequent the place.

This park because both sides have something in a residential park, Gu Ming coupling Park. They farmed in ancient times known as decoupling, Coupling and dual the same,a couple Guitian seclusion of the Italian.

East Park area of about four acres, mainly to Hill, supplemented by pool, focused and appropriate match. The main building sit Northern Dynasties South, Zhong Yan floor for a group of the Office. This garden in Suzhou in the more rare. Its south east corner of a small hospital three, heavy floor-Road, collectively, the City Qu thatched cottage. West Park area is smaller, to Den and texture Old House as the center, before the platform, bright and spacious, after a small courtyard, elegant Qingxiu, Geshan trees and stone floor of a building; nan also a hospital for irregular , Located southwest rockery, set up flowers and trees, inter-lake home, it is interesting You song.


Located in Suzhou city in the northeast of Loumen Garden Road, was built in the Yuan Dynasty, as the representative of the Yuan Dynasty garden. Rockery around the park, around the promenade,Yinxian, Qujingtongyou, the general feeling of DNA. Promenade embedded in the walls of the four famous Song Su Shi and Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian, Cai Xiangs calligraphy monument and the Southern Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang, Plum poem The inscriptions works. Shi Zilin was Lime authentic Temple gardens, the Year 1341, the monk came to the days such as the Zen Master Suzhou Jiang Jing, supported by his disciples. 1988 (Yuan Dynasty Emperor Shundi positive last 2002), his disciples to buy land estates for days such as the Zen Master Jian Chan Lin. Days as a result of Zen master chefs in peak Dedao monk Shi Ziyan Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang and Jiangxi, to commemorate his mentor, named Shi Zilin. Because of the Buddha on the book Shi Zihou one language, and many rockery and the like rename the lion-shaped.


Suzhou City in the south of ternary Square, Suzhou is one of the oldest gardens. Covers an area of 10,800 square meters. Yihong water runs through a park, the shimmering reflection, the scene of the Millions. Canglang Ting before the money for the Five Dynasties Wu Yue Wang Miao son of the pool of money Yuan-liang Museum. Song Dynasty poet Su Shun-qin to 40,000 under Fei Yuan Guan money to buy, build, Bangshui made booths, due to flu in the Canglangzhishui-Xi, Zhuo Wu Ying; Canglangzhishui muddy Xi, I can Zhuo foot , Entitled Canglang Ting, since, Canglang Weng, and Canglang Ting mind. Ouyang Xiu was invited to Canglang Ting shi, the poem Qingfengdian this priceless moon, but only sell 40,000 of money Tiyong the matter. Since then, Canglang Ting famous. SU, Canglang Ting abandoned several times, the early Southern Song Dynasty (12 century) was famous for the anti-Kim Han Shizhong the House, the Qing Emperor Kangxi 1946 (1696 AD) Xunfu Song Luo reconstruction of this park, near the Water pavilion built in the mountains shift the top to form the basis of the layout of today Canglang Ting, and Wen Zhengming, page Canglang Ting for the board. 12-year-Tongzhi (1873 AD) to rebuild, then into todays appearance. Although successive Canglang Ting due to a change of Xingfei, the early Song Si-old, but its old Yusen Gu Mu, also has maintained the old style of the garden reflect the style of the Song Dynasty.
