50字范文 > 小白兔的最新英语作文


时间:2018-07-31 17:26:44






Have a kind of animal, love to eat carrots and green vegetables. You must have guessed who it was, yes it is lively and lovely small white rabbit!

Have a kind of animal, love to eat carrots and green vegetables. You must have guessed who it was, yes it is lively and lovely small white rabbit!

The small white rabbit systemic snow-white snow-white, no other colors. Its eyes are red, like a sparkling ruby. Its ears are long and big, as long as hear something slightly, will "brush" of the shaft, apt to turn around, looking for sound. It's long arms short legs. The short tails if hang it behind the ass little round ball. The small white rabbit not only very beautiful, and very cute. When I fed was feeding the little white rabbit, the small white rabbit then put the food on the ground in its forelegs, open-mouthed your mouth, give out the voice of "zi and zi", if someone want to grab it. Although the small white rabbit is very love to eat carrots and green vegetables,

But these things really doesn't, it'll eat leaves. The small white rabbit had a habit, that is, every time after eating its forelegs and wiped his three petal mouths, like love clean. After the small white rabbit to eat, just running around in a cage, like a light snow ball rolling over.

Sometimes the little white rabbit is very naughty. Remember once I didn't close the cage, let the small white rabbit ran out. My father and I saw it, they chase in the back of the little white rabbit. But the little white rabbit is very naughty, ran under the table, wash run into the box and run to the table, the above... My father and I the dickens of a job to catch the little white rabbit.

You said the little white rabbit is very naughty!

Look! This is the lively and lovely small white rabbit!




小白兔全身雪白雪白的,没有一点别的颜色.它的眼睛是红色的,好像两颗闪闪发光的红宝石.它的耳朵又长又大,只要听到一点轻微的东西,就会“刷”的一下竖来,灵巧的向四面转动,寻找发出声音的地方。它的前肢短后肢长。它那短短的尾巴好像挂在屁股后面的小绒球。 小白兔不但很漂亮,而且很可爱。 当我喂小白兔吃食时,小白兔便用前腿把食物按在地上,把嘴张得大大的,发出一阵阵“滋,滋”的声音,好像有人要跟它抢似的。虽然小白兔很爱吃萝卜和青菜,






Last year, I went to my grandma's to play. It so happens that my grandmother bought two little rabbits.

Whole body white, the little white rabbit two long ears stood up and looked like a pair of ruby eyes for a while this way and that, looked for a moment there, look silly. I took a delicate carton, spread a layer of soft velvet inside, let them sleep in it, just as sleep in mother's bosom warm, on Sundays I would go to my grandma's take a look at them.

On one occasion, I unexpected thing happened. Thing is this: that day, I went to my grandma's to see them, but, the two small white rabbit had died. Originally, the grandmother brought them vegetables to eat, but green vegetables have spray pesticides, after eating the vegetables, the little white rabbit is vomit a white bubble, several days and can't eat. In this way, the small white rabbit died.

The small white rabbit dead, but they that naughty cute appearance forever in my heart






