50字范文 > There are lots of funny stories in my childhood .The first one that 16 my mind is the stor

There are lots of funny stories in my childhood .The first one that 16 my mind is the stor

时间:2020-06-21 19:07:29


There are lots of funny stories in my childhood .The first one that 16 my mind is the stor


There are lots of funny stories in my childhood .The first one that 16 my mind is the story of my first camera. It happened 20 years ago . Just when I was ready to go to school , my grandmother 17 me a new camera from the supermarket as a present . Even if my mother wasn’t too happy about what I had 18 , I asked my father if I could take my camera to my 19 so that I could take pictures with my classmates . He agreed and show me how it 20 . It was very easy.

At school I showed it to all my 21 and we took a lot of pictures, 22 they were not too great . The photo with my friends was the worst as I didn’t took Tom’s head ; instead I 23 his sandwich . The boys were interested in my camera , 24 Daniel who said he had a 25 one with a flashlight . He explained to us that the flashlight helped to take pictures in the 26 but I accused(指责)him of being a liar . Like all boys we started fighting . 27 ,our teacher separated us .After explaining to him the reason of the fight , I 28 him not to take my camera away.

When my parents knew what had happened , they weren’t glad . My mother punished me for being 29 . She took the camera in order to 30 further problems , telling me that for a boy like me the camera was not a good 31 to play with.

To make her 32 about the fight , I took a picture with her and Dad with the film left . In a couple of days Dad 33 the films and brought the photos home , saying I wasn’t good at taking pictures at all . I got 34 and argued that we all learnt from our 35 .

【小题1】A.breaks intoB.drops intoC.turns intoD.comes into【小题2】A.boughtB.promisedC.lentD.left【小题3】A.imaginedB.receivedC.expectedD.collected【小题4】A.homeB.yardC.schoolD.garage【小题5】A.movedB.startedC.changedD.worked【小题6】A.workersB.classmatesC.teachersD.students【小题7】A.butB.soC.forD.and【小题8】A.broughtB.madeC.dividedD.took【小题9】A.exceptB.besidesC.includingD.instead【小题10】A.easierB.newerC.worseD.better【小题11】A.darkB.shadeC.sunD.water【小题12】A.SuddenlyB.FinallyC.UnluckilyD.Surprisingly【小题13】A.allowedB.advisedC.beggedD.warned【小题14】A.braveB.proudC.rudeD.weak【小题15】A.avoidB.solveC.discussD.face【小题16】A.roleB.gameC.jokeD.toy【小题17】A.talkB.knowC.forgetD.worry【小题18】A.developedB.lostC.producedD.hid【小题19】A.angryB.upsetC.tiredD.bored【小题20】A.storiesB.hobbiesC.mistakesD.booksD




【小题1】考查词组:A. breaks into闯入,B. drops into滴入,C. turns into 变成,D. comes into进入,第一个进入我脑海的是…,选D。

【小题2】考查词组:buy sb sth给某人买…,选A

【小题3】考查动词:A. imagined 想象, B. received收到C. expected期望 D. collected收集,句意:甚至妈妈对我期望的都不感到高兴。选B

【小题4】考查名词:从后面的my classmates 可知作者想把照相机带到学校。选C。



【小题7】考查连词:从后面的:they were not too great .可知表示转折,选A


【小题9】考查介词,所以的学生都对我的照相机感兴趣,除了Daniel ,选A,besides指除了…还有。

【小题10】考查形容词的比较级:因为是with a flashlight 所以是better,选D

【小题11】考查介词:in the dark在黑暗中,句意:闪光灯可以帮助在黑暗中拍照。选A。


【小题13】考查动词搭配:beg sb to do乞求某人做…选C

【小题14】考查形容词:A. brave勇敢的,B. proud勇敢的,C. rude粗鲁的,D. weak虚弱的,句意:妈妈认为我无理而惩罚我。选C。




【小题18】考查词组:develop the film冲洗了胶卷。选A

【小题19】考查形容词:A. angry生气的,B. upset难过的,C. tired累的,D. bored厌倦的,句意:我感到难过。选B。

【小题20】考查名词:A. stories故事B. hobbies爱好C. mistakes错误 D. books书,句意:我们都是小错误慢慢学习的。选C。
