50字范文 > 少儿睡前英语小故事带翻译:嫦娥奔月


时间:2018-08-17 23:30:15



In a very long time ago, because of Hou Yi, Hitachi, by the people"s respect and love, and soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind-hearted wife, named Chang E. People are envious of the loving couple.One day, Hou Yi to the Kunlun Mountains and friends for, met Wang Mu to the empress, Wang Mu obtained a pack of medicine. It is said that, taking this medicine, can immediately go to heaven immortal. However, Hou Yi reluctant to leave his wife, had to temporarily put the immortality of the drug to treasure. Chang Baoxia medicine Tibet the dressing table, only to be seen by.Three days later, Hou Yi went hunting, by pretending to be ill to have sinister motives, stay. Hou Yi left shortly after holding a sword into the backyard, Peng Meng, Chang E.The goddess of the moon knows oneself is not the loose Mongolia"s opponent, critical when she takes the bull by the horns, turned to open the Baoxia, take out the undead medicine a swallow it down. Chang swallow medicine, the body immediately Piaochi ground, rushed out of the window, flew to the sky. As the moon is concerned about her husband, then flew to the nearest moon on the moon has become a fairy.

在很早很早以前,因为后羿射日立了功,受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,遇到王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。据说,服下此药,能即刻升天成仙。然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给嫦娥珍藏。嫦娥将药藏进梳妆台的百宝匣里,不料被蓬蒙看到了。三天后,后羿出去打猎,心怀鬼胎的蓬蒙假装生病,留了下来。等后羿走后不久,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼嫦娥交出不死药。嫦娥知道自己不是蓬蒙的对手,危急之时她当机立断,转身打开百宝匣,拿出不死药一口吞了下去。 嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。由于嫦娥牵挂着丈夫,便飞落到离人间最近的月亮上成了仙。
