50字范文 > 高效谈判四原则: Tactics 部署战术

高效谈判四原则: Tactics 部署战术

时间:2020-09-03 15:01:03


高效谈判四原则: Tactics 部署战术

Four Ingredients in Effective Negotiation


Every negotiation has a tactical element. Every situation is different and how we read it will condition our success. Think through the tactics which are likely to be most effective. We need to know which tactics we want to use, which ones are favoured by us and which ones our opposite number is likely to be using. Before a particular negotiation, skim through these tactics. Jot down the ones that seem most appropriate, think through how you might use them, or how they might be used against you. Incidentally, in the process take note of the ones you enjoy and the ones that come most naturally to you, as invariably they will be the ones that work best for you.

Late one Friday night I spoke to a client who had a meeting with a potential buyer for his company on Monday. He wanted some guidelines, so we chatted through all the possible tactics he could use and which ones his counterpart might use. Within 10 minutes or so he was confident that he had the right approach. Those 10 minutes will have dramatically affected his performance on the Monday - time well spent.



tactical adj.战术的

number n. (slang)独特的人

incidentally=by the way 顺便说一下

counterpart n. 对方
