50字范文 > 英语小短文励志故事


时间:2019-11-17 03:33:11





Young people are excited, young people are strong, young people work hard, and young people hope. In another Youth Day approaching, bless you, my dear friend, a young, promising career, young people, happy every day.

The youth should stand forward, the youth should fire departments, youth on confidence disclosure date, the youth should innumerable twists and turns into a hero Youth Day!, I wish you a beautiful demonstration, repeatedlyspectacular!

The youth is Chaoyang, charming, youth is a horse, the pace of flying, the youth is more than the Pentium, the river, the youth is pine, will become the pillars! Youth Day, may you young, positive youth, promising future!

Green Cuicui tree Changchun, one year people often red, deeply bless you: good life such as evergreen trees, like saffron Chang Yan, always in youth, often smiling happy youth day!

Youth, a life only once, although the youth have rebellion, impetuous, and also have mistakes, but more youth is enthusiasm, beauty and hope. Youth will have happiness after all, because it has the future! Happy youth day!


Behind every successful person, there will be efforts, and the efforts behind the inspirational, inspiring as a motive, so that it can be successful.

Some people say that he is a star, perhaps not, back when the road seems, spicy humor humorous playfulness that once bitter tears and heart, and it is obvious that unruly confrontation and fry a grassroots and the fate of the flash; he is a star, when he asked the passion on the fate of the split lock by force with the high spirited heart, in the name of the dream to pluck the stars on the occasion, what is he not a star?

He was a single show on the stage - Show Luo.

When I was a child, I liked Show Luo very much. He was very imposing on stage. So I wished to be a star when I was young, but my voice was thick and the dance was rotten. It's not a star material.

From then on, I thought of Show Luo. Even when he was young, he had no astrology. Even though he was despise and black and fat, he was scolded into a pig. Even though he wrote a letter to a schoolgirl for the first time, he was called back, "well, it's up to you." Even after the debut has been ordered to minimize the occurrence of more sharply, producers expressed his doubts, "how can you be discovered as a singer?" You have to stay in the studio, I won't let the music go! "... Even if is full of sarcasm and ridicule, he was abruptly survived. But those who smile, helpless when Coptis meal, who can really understand!

In the future, we should take Show Luo as an idol and learn the spirit of him.


A dog is very thirsty. But he only sees some empty pails. There is no water in them. The dog goes on looking for water. He comes to a small house. There is a girl in it. The girl goes out with a pail. “She goes to a well,” the dog thinks and follows her. The dog is right. The girl comes to a well and puts down the pail, and the pail is full of water, there the girl goes back to her house.

“ Water! Great!” the dog says and runs to the well. He jumps into the well without thought.”

The water is good. The dog is happy and drinks much. But he can’t jump out of the well. He waits and waits. But no one comes. “I’m hungry now. I must go out,” he thinks.

At the time a thirsty goat comes to the well. He looks at the water and the dog. “Is the water good?” the goat asks. “ Of course. Come down,” the dog says. Then the goat jumps into the well, too. Then dog is happy. He jumps on the goat’s back and jumps out of the well.

The dog has a look at the goat and says, “Goodbye!” Then he leaves.
