50字范文 > 高中英语暑假作文素材3篇


时间:2023-05-15 16:11:02





艾米的家庭The Family of Amy

Amy is anAmerican girl .She lives in New York .There are four people in her family, herparents, her elder brother and her. Amy’s father is an engineer and he is busywith his work everyday. But he still plays with Amy in his spare time and Amyloves him very much. Amy’s mother is a teacher. She teaches math in a smallschool. She is thin with golden hair. What’s more, she is very kind and cookswell. His brother, John is two years older than her and he goes to school withher everyday. John is an active boy and often helps Amy. Amy feels happy tolive in such a family.



爱之我见My View on Love

As we know thatthe education of love is very important for the development of teenagers. Asfar as I am concerned, love plays an important role in our daily life. Life isjust like a beautiful boat and love is the wind. Without the help of the wind,the boat cannot go to the place where it wants to go.


In my family,both of my parents love me deeply. it is love that makes me happy and warm. In school,all students and teachers are friendly to me. They accompany me to the correct direction,which has a great influence on me. In all, I think where there is love, thereis touch and happy.


Love issomething that we can’t describe well in any language, but it gives us a lot.So please value it.



真善美The True, The Good And The Beautiful

The true, the good and the beautiful are the Chinesetraditional virtue. When I was a little child, my mother told me that the girlwho has the virtue of the true, the good and the beautiful is the mostbeautiful girl. She told me that the truth means I have to be sincere and donot tell lies. The good means that I need to have a kind-heart to everything. Thebeautiful means that I should have a good mind. She requires me to be that kindof people. And I also go for that goal all the time.


