50字范文 > 家庭教育结构 family education structure英语短句 例句大全

家庭教育结构 family education structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-27 18:13:10


家庭教育结构 family education structure英语短句 例句大全

家庭教育结构,family education structure

1)family education structure家庭教育结构


1.The Impact of Family Education Structure in Ethnic Minority Areas in Rural Areas on Family Income云南布朗族农村家庭教育结构对家庭收入的影响

2.The Influence of Rural Family s Structure to Their Children s Education;农村家庭结构对子女基础教育的影响

3.A Cultural Analysis of the Relationship between Traditional Family Structure and Concept of Family Education of Mongolians in Inner Mongolia;我国蒙古族传统家庭结构与家庭教育观及其关系的文化学分析

4.Change of Family Structure: One of the Causes of Low Efficiency of Ethical Education in China;论家庭结构的嬗变:我国道德教育低效根源之一

5.Analysis On the Forms and Structures of Family Expenditure for Elementary Education;基础教育阶段家庭教育消费支出内容与结构的研究述评

6.An elementary study of the cooperation of school education and home education of primary pupils;试论小学学校教育与家庭教育的结合

7.A Study on the Structure and Characteristics of Family Educational Resources and Its Relationship to the Mental Quality of Primary School Students;家庭教育资源结构、特点及其与小学生心理素质关系的研究

8.Structures and Characters of Charges Paid by Families of Public University Students in the USA;美国公立大学学生家庭高等教育费用的结构和特点

9.Building a Functioning System: Forming an Educational Network of Schools, Families and Society;构建学校、家庭、社会三结合教育网络的一种运行机制

10.The Influences of Family Structure and Function Changes on the Development of Children家庭结构与功能的变革对儿童发展与教育的影响

11.The splitting up of families poses a challenge to traditional household structures and approaches to child-rearing, said Xie Guangxiang, deputy secretary-general of Anhui Provincial Government.安徽省政府副秘书长谢广祥说,留守家庭问题向传统的家庭结构和子女教育的方法提出了挑战。

12.Traditional Family Ethics and Modern Mode of Family Education--On the 《pupil rules 》and the Youth s Moral Education;传统家庭伦理思想与现代家庭教育模式的构建——兼论《弟子规》与青少年家庭道德教育

13.University students’ lack of the ability of emotion is the result of attaching more importance to ”instruction” than to”cultivation”in school education and family education in our country.大学生情感能力的缺乏是我国学校教育、家庭教育重“教”轻“育”的结果。

14.Quantitative analysis of family sports consumption need structure of residents in Wuhan;武汉市居民家庭体育消费需求结构定量分析

15.Research Into Current Status of Sports Life of Women in the Different Family Constructions in Xi an of China;西安市不同家庭结构妇女体育生活现状研究

16.Research on the Structure Family Sports Consumption in Urban Inhabitants of Inne r-mongolia;内蒙古城市居民家庭体育消费结构调研

17.The Research on the Responsibility for Junior Middle School Students Family Education Shift in the Rural-urban Continuum;城乡结合部初中生家庭教育责任转移研究

18.On the Construction and Development of The Discipline System of home Education in China;关于我国家庭教育学科体系构建与发展的思考


Structure of family expenditure for education家庭教育消费支出结构

3)Family education家庭教育

1.The differences of family education between China and America in the view of culture tradition;文化差异对家庭教育的影响——中美家庭教育比较

2.Consideration on a Long-Term Mechanism in Constructing Family Education of Schools and Kindergartens;对构建中小学、幼儿园家庭教育工作长效机制的思考

3.Problems of Family Education of Peasant Laborers Children Who Stay Behind at Home in the Countryside;论农村留守儿童家庭教育存在的问题及其原因

4)home education家庭教育

1.Analysis on the American Home Education before the Civil War;简析内战前美国的家庭教育

2.An elementary study of the cooperation of school education andhome education of primary pupils;试论小学学校教育与家庭教育的结合

3.In this paper we analyze three aspects of its reason: network game is not the origin of IAD;the external cause of IAD(educating system,home education and society);the internal cause of IAD (characteristic of teen-ages).文章从三个角度分析了青少年沉迷网络的原因:网络游戏不是网络沉迷的根源;青少年网络成瘾的外因,如教育体制、家庭教育和社会教育;青少年网络成瘾的内因,即青春期孩子的特点。

5)family structure家庭结构

1.Family structure and sexual behavior mode in the 21st century;21世纪家庭结构及性行为模式现状与展望研议

2.An Analysis of Present Rural Family Structure and Regional Disparity in Jiangsu Province;江苏农村地区家庭结构现状及区域差异

3.The ill parents-children interaction and the morbidfamily structure:The analysical about the several chinese family of having problem;不良亲子互动与病态家庭结构——对几个中国问题家庭的剖析

6)Family sex education家庭性教育

1.Objective To identify the main problem of family sex education to provide suggestion on how to involve parents well in reproductive health promotion of adolescents and young adults.目的了解我国目前家庭性教育的状况及存在的主要问题 ,为进一步发挥父母在青少年生殖健康促进中的作用提供建议。


