50字范文 > 家庭教育权 family education right英语短句 例句大全

家庭教育权 family education right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-31 01:47:27


家庭教育权 family education right英语短句 例句大全

家庭教育权,family education right

1)family education right家庭教育权

1.In the history of modern social revolution,family education right,as an important part in education,conflicts with national education right and social education right.在当代社会变革的历史进程中,家庭教育权作为教育权的一个重要组成部分与国家教育权、社会教育权之间的冲突日益突出。


1.Difficulty in Practicing Family Education Right in China and Solutions我国家庭教育权实施困境及对策研究

2.The Causes for Tension Between State Educational Right and Family Education Right--An Analysis from the Perspective of Need-responsibility Relationship;国家教育权与家庭教育权紧张的原因探析——以需求与责任的关系为分析维度

3.On How to Ensure Infants Rights in Home Education;浅谈如何在家庭教育中保障幼儿的权利

4.family welfare educator家庭福利教育工作人员

5.He was reared in a fine family他受到良好的家庭教育。

6.Education was mainly a houshlod matter.教育主要是家庭的事务。

7.Youth and Family Life Education Network青年与家庭生活教育网

8.family education[美]家庭(生活)教育(课)

9.Family Life Education Resource Centre家庭生活教育资料中心

10.family life education worker家庭生活教育工作人员;家庭生活教育工作者

11.The differences of family education between China and America in the view of culture tradition;文化差异对家庭教育的影响——中美家庭教育比较

12.Education Starts in Families--Enlightenment from Yan Zhitui s Theory of Family Education;教育从家庭起步——颜之推家庭教育思想的启示

13.The Research of the Parents Education Training-from the Family Education to the Parents Education;家长教育培训研究:从家庭教育到家长教育(上)

14.Parents" authority is one of the most important conditions of family education.维护父母权威是顺利实施家庭教育的重要条件之一。

15.The government, society, school and family have the responsibility to ensure that the right of female children and adolescents to receive compulsory education is observed.政府、社会、学校和家庭要保证女童接受义务教育的权利。

16.Family functions: safety, breeding, good faith, order and teamwork. Family education is a prominent problem.家庭功能:安全、育、信、序、队。家庭教育问题最为突出。

17.(4) Taking an active part in the family educating in order to form the resultant of forces.(4)主动介入家庭教育,形成教育合力;

18.The Integrity between Family Education and School Education;新形势下家庭教育与学校教育的整合


Family education家庭教育

1.The differences of family education between China and America in the view of culture tradition;文化差异对家庭教育的影响——中美家庭教育比较

2.Consideration on a Long-Term Mechanism in Constructing Family Education of Schools and Kindergartens;对构建中小学、幼儿园家庭教育工作长效机制的思考

3.Problems of Family Education of Peasant Laborers Children Who Stay Behind at Home in the Countryside;论农村留守儿童家庭教育存在的问题及其原因

3)home education家庭教育

1.Analysis on the American Home Education before the Civil War;简析内战前美国的家庭教育

2.An elementary study of the cooperation of school education andhome education of primary pupils;试论小学学校教育与家庭教育的结合

3.In this paper we analyze three aspects of its reason: network game is not the origin of IAD;the external cause of IAD(educating system,home education and society);the internal cause of IAD (characteristic of teen-ages).文章从三个角度分析了青少年沉迷网络的原因:网络游戏不是网络沉迷的根源;青少年网络成瘾的外因,如教育体制、家庭教育和社会教育;青少年网络成瘾的内因,即青春期孩子的特点。

4)Family sex education家庭性教育

1.Objective To identify the main problem of family sex education to provide suggestion on how to involve parents well in reproductive health promotion of adolescents and young adults.目的了解我国目前家庭性教育的状况及存在的主要问题 ,为进一步发挥父母在青少年生殖健康促进中的作用提供建议。

5)Family Education Concept家庭教育观

1.BuildingFamily Education Concept under Theory of Multiple Intelligences;在多元智能理论下构建家庭教育观

6)SOS family educationSOS家庭教育

1.The education principle of practicing adroitly guide action according to circumstance in SOS family should be selected and utilized and we should assure to enhance the basic method and scientific practice of the effectiveness ofSOS family education.根据 SOS孩子的心理情感状态与需要 ,选择运用有效教育时机 ,对孩子进行有针对性的情感、人伦角色教育 ,是在 SOS家庭中实践因势利导教育原则 ,保证提高 SOS家庭教育实效性的基本方法与科学途径。


