50字范文 > 常见购物英语情景对话


时间:2019-02-09 13:44:03





K: Hi. Helen. Look at the post! It says the shopping mall is having a big sale this weekend.

H: Really?

K: Yes. Many items are 60% off. Let me see. Oh, I like this yellow coat. It only costs about 150 yuan, while the original price is about 400 yuan.

H: I need a new pair of socks.

K: Here. You can get one free if you buy two.

H: That's quite a deal. How about brand name purses?

K: Oh, a lot of brand name purses are on clearance sale that day.

H: So we can get the most out of our dollar.

K: Of course. We can pick up many good things at a low price.

H: And it will sell the faulty products at unbelievably low prices. I am afraid the price could hardly cover cost.

K: They've made a great profit before. I can't wait.

H: Shop 'til you drop! I'll call you then.


S: Can I show you anything, miss?

M: I'd like to see a new skirt for the party.

S:Here are some latest styles. How do you like this one?

M: I like this style, but the color doesn't fit me.

S:What about this one? Its design is fashionable and attractive.

M: It looks well. But I don't like nylon, I like pure cotton. Oh, I have an eye on that long white skirt.

S: You have a good taste. This kind of stylish dress sells well.

M: Can I try it on?

S: Of course.This way, please.

(After Mary tries it on)

S: Wonderful! It looks just good on you. It will make you look perfect in the party.

M: Very good. I'II take this one


C: Please take one of these trolleys there and I will deposit my bag at the checkroom.

B: OK. What do you want to buy?

C: I want to buy some vegetables and seafood. We also need some seasoning.

B: The vegetables are over here. Cabbages, eggplants. bean sprouts.... They do have everything.

C: Look at their prices. Probably we can get them cheaper in the vegetable market.

B: But it's a little farther for us to go there.

C: Look, prawn is on sale today. I'II get half a pound of them and a pound of shrimp.

B: Very well. I think it is better to have a bottle of champagne .

C: I like it. Where is the seasoning counter?

B: It's over there.

C: I need a bottle of vinegar and a pack of salt.

B: It seems that we also have to buy a pack of sugar.

C: OK, I'II fetch it.
