50字范文 > 口语交际 oral communication英语短句 例句大全

口语交际 oral communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 20:06:22


口语交际 oral communication英语短句 例句大全

口语交际,oral communication

1)oral communication口语交际

1.The practice of speaking inoral communication of college chinese teaching;论大学语文口语交际教学中的说话训练

2.From "listening-speaking practice" to "oral communication;从“听话、说话训练”到“口语交际”——对《语文课程标准》中关于“口语交际”内容的解读

3.The analyze of the applying by dilemma duringoral communications;浅析二难推理在口语交际过程中的运用


1.Oral English Teaching and the Promotion of Students Communicative Competence;英语口语教学与口语交际能力的培养

2.Building the Evaluation System of Oral Communication and Developing Students Ability;构建口语交际评价体系 促进口语交际能力发展

3.Developing Students Communicative Competence of Oral English in Middle School Through CA;通过交际法提高高中生英语口语交际能力

mercial English Oral Lesson for Training Students’ Communicative Ability;商务英语口语课与学生口语交际能力的培养

5.On the Spoken English Teaching and the Oral Communicative Competence in Higher Vocational College高职高专英语口语教学与口语交际能力的培养

6.The Research on Undergraduates Oral English Communication Strategies;大学生英语口语交际策略的现状研究

7.Research on Oral Communication Teaching of Chinese under the New Course Standard in Middle School;新课标下中学语文口语交际教学研究

8.The Research on Sentimentality Factors in the Chinese Oral Communication Teaching;语文口语交际教学中情感因素的研究

9.The Thought and Practice of Senior High School Oral Chinese Communication Teaching;高中语文口语交际教学的思考与实践

10.An Analysis of the Development of the College Students Communicative Competence in Oral English;浅析大学生英语口语交际能力的培养

11.Cultivation of oral communication competence in English teaching in universities;大学英语教学中口语交际能力的培养

12.Pragmatics Analysis in College Spoken English Communication;语用分析在大学生口语交际中的运用

13.On the Enlightenment of the Fuzzy Linguistic Theory on Communicative Competence of Spoken English;模糊理论对英语口语交际能力的启示

14.How to Improve the Spoken English of the College Students;如何提高大学生的英语口语交际水平

15.A Study of the Effects of Strategy Training in the Spoken English Communication;英语口语交际中策略培训的作用研究

municative Oral English Testing and Interactive Oral English Teaching;交际性英语口语测试与互动式英语口语教学

17.Application of CLT in Teaching Speaking in Junior High School交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用

18.On Cultivating Communicative Competence in Oral English Teaching at Senior Middle School;高中英语口语教学中交际能力的培养


spoken communication口语交际

1.An Inquiry into Teaching Methods of Spoken Communication in Senior Chinese;高中语文口语交际教法探究

2.The situation of the middle-school students ability inspoken communication is not optimistic.口语交际是人类相互联系、相互沟通的一种基本的社会行为,也是一种建立在心理接触基础上的人际交往。

3.The purpose of the improvement of thespoken communication is to make a full-development for the students and improve their life quali.口语交际是人类最基本的语言活动,也是社会最直接的交际手段。

3)English communication英语口语交际

1.On the construction ofEnglish communication context;构建校园英语口语交际语境的路径研究

4)communicative spoken English英语交际口语

5)The intercommunicate of Chinese spoken language汉语口语交际

6)Spoken English and Communication英语口语与交际


《藏汉对照拉萨口语词典》中国第一部藏语口语词典。以记录现代藏语拉萨口语词汇为主,并用汉语解释词义。于道泉主编。1983年10月由北京民族出版社出版。于道泉(1901~)山东临淄人。早年就读于齐鲁大学和北京大学,攻数学,精通藏语、蒙古语、满语、英语、法语、德语、梵语等。1931年将六世达赖仓洋嘉错情歌从藏文译为汉文和英文,轰动国际藏学界。1934年赴法留学,专攻土耳其文,后执教于英国伦敦东方非洲研究院。1949年归国,先后任北京大学和中央民族学院藏文教授。 这部词典共收词语2.9万余条。除日常生活用语外,还包括一部分常用的新词术语、人名地名、成语谚语以及医药、科技、天文历算等方面的专业用语。以藏文正字为主要词目,按藏文字母顺序排列,少数无正字的口语词,依实际读音,用藏文拼写。遇有不规则读音,在正字后面用括孤注出俗字,以便初识字的藏族读者从音查字。此外,为了便于其他民族学习和研究藏语拉萨方言,每一词条后均附有准确的拉丁注音,并用汉语作详细的释义。较难解释的语法词附有例句。此书收词多,注音精确,释义详细,是学习和研究现代藏语拉萨方言的重要工具书。
