50字范文 > 客观性原则 objective principle英语短句 例句大全

客观性原则 objective principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-27 09:04:48


客观性原则 objective principle英语短句 例句大全

客观性原则,objective principle

1)objective principle客观性原则

1.The fact that history may maintain anobjective principle lies in the fact that it .历史学之所以可能保持一种客观性原则,就在于它追求一种理想的境界。


1.The designing of information follows the principles of objectivity, systematicness, purposefulness, humanization and advancement.信息设计具有客观性原则、系统性原则、目的性原则、人性化原则和先进性原则。

2.The cost principle is derived, in large part, from the principle of objectivity.成本原则主要是在客观性原则的基础上发展而来的。

3.Without the objective principle, accounting records would be based on whims and options and subject to dispute.失去客观性原则,会计记录将会建立在主观臆断和个人意见的基础上,并易导致争论。

4.The key of objective principle is that accounting records and financial reports must be based on financial and economic transactions as they actually take place.客观性原则的要点就是会计记录应当以实际发生的经济业务为依据。

5.The objectivity principle holds that the accounting records and financial reports must be based on financial and economic transactions as they actually take place, in order to objectively reflect the financial position and operating results of an enter- prise.客观性原则要求会计核算应当以实际发生的经济业务为依据,如实反映财务状况和经营成果。

6.Principle of Objectiveness in the Classroom Instruction of Second Language;第二语言课堂教学中的客观性教学原则

7.The evaluation of movie, TV and drama should be based on the fundamental principles of objectivity, creativity and multielement.影、视、剧的评论 ,则应遵循客观性—创造性—多元化等基本原则进行。

8."Reality" is the premise of the reasonable confirmation of objectivity as well as the key of grasping the principles of objectivity.“实在”的观念是确认客观原则合理性的前提,亦是深入把握客观的关键。

9.Q Principle,Quantity Principle and Implication of Objectification in Metaphors of Modality;Q原则、数量原则与情态隐喻的客观化含义

10.Analysis of Objectivity of Good Faith Doctrine of Contract Law--From the Angle of Game Theory合同法诚实信用原则客观性的分析——一种博弈分析的视角

11.The Principle of Objective Description and Cataloging Work of the Books from Hong Kong and Taiwan客观著录原则与港台图书的编目工作

12.It shows the coherence of legal principles, social morals as well as Zeitgeist, thus fetches out the objectivity of legal principles and its guidance quality.法理原则、社会道德、时代精神三者的统一,彰显出法理的客观性和导向性。

13.Rules of origin should be objective, understandable and predictable;原产地规则应是客观的、可理解的和可预测的;

14.Evaluation of public servants shall be objective and fair.对公务员的考核,应当坚持客观公正的原则.

15.(c) rules of origin should be objective, understandable and predictable;(c)原产地规则应是客观的、可理解的和可预测的;

16.The Principle of Integrating Subjectivity and Objectivity:Examination from both Deontology and Methodology;主客观相统一原则:价值论与方法论的双重清理

17.On the Application of the Principle of Objectiveness and Justness of the Annual Performance Assessment;对年度考核工作贯彻客观公正原则的思考

18.Constructivism Makes Criticism on Objectivism and the Teaching Principles of Constructivism;建构主义对客观主义的检讨及其教学原则



3)Objectivity rule客观原则

4)objectivity of good faith doctrine诚实信用原则的客观性

1.However,in the perspective of the modern contract law,theobjectivity of good faith doctrine has been questioned by the Game Theory.古典合同法时期,相互信任的理由足以产生出诚实信用的客观观念,但在现代合同法的视域下,这种诚实信用原则的客观性受到了来自博弈分析的质疑:市场并不自然产生这一客观性。

5)Objective Rule客观性准则

6)objectivity principle客体性原则

1.Logos represents theobjectivity principle while Nous embodies the subjectivity principle.逻各斯和努斯的提出构成了理性精神的最初形态,逻各斯代表了客体性原则,而努斯蕴含了主体性原则。


