50字范文 > 谐音双关 homophone英语短句 例句大全

谐音双关 homophone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-31 23:50:20


谐音双关 homophone英语短句 例句大全




1.Differences and Connections among Accepted Homophones,Shuangguan and Xizi;谐音词语及其与谐音双关、谐音析字的关系

2.On Communicative Translation Theory and the Translation of Paronomasia Language in Children s Literature;论交际翻译理论与儿童文学中谐音双关语的翻译——析《阿丽思漫游奇境记》

3.Of or relating to harmonics.谐音的谐音的或与谐音有关的

4.Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor, novelty and brevity.谐音超文具有双关底文的功能,充满幽默、新异和简洁的修辞特点。

5.On Harmonious Relationship Between Teachers and Students in Music Appreciation Teaching;音乐欣赏教学与和谐师生关系的构建

6.Soft-Switching Resonant Reset Dual Switch Forward DC/DC Converter软开关谐振复位双管正激DC/DC变流器

7.Creating a double-win relationship between local governments and coal mining enterprises in coal mining Aarea,harmonious and coordination统筹和谐 打造矿区双赢的地企关系

8.The Value of Xiaomu and Its Relation with Some Phonetic Series;与晓母相关的一些谐声关系和晓母读音

9.He punned on the likeness of "weak" and "week".他用同音词"weak"和"week"说了句双关语。

10.of or relating to or being a speech sound that is articulated using both lips.属于或关于用双唇发出的语音的。

11.The Research and Implementation of Embedded Voice Gateway with Two VoIP Protocols;嵌入式双协议语音网关的设计与实现

12.One can also attune to the mineral kingdom in association with missing tones in the Language of Light.你也能向光之语中与缺失音调相关的矿物调谐。

13.the interpretation in harmonious bodily movements of the rhythm of musical compositions.关于具有音乐节奏的身体和谐动作的阐释。

14.bring into consonance or relate harmoniously.让音乐协调一致地演奏,呈现和谐的关系。

15.The Pictophonetic Characters Relation of Shuowenjiezi and the Discussion on Archaic Chinese Phonology;《说文解字》谐声字的音韵关系及上古声母的讨论

16.Analysis and Appreciation of the Word "Board" Used as Pun in Oliver Twist;外谐内庄 意韵无穷——《雾都孤儿》中Board语义双关评析

17.Research and Implementation of Key Technologies for Dual Stack VoIP Gateway;双协议栈语音网关关键技术研究与实现

18.sound resonant cavity伴音谐振腔(电视)


homophone translation谐音双关法

1.An analysis is devoted in this paper to the sound_copying and meaning_creating principles of thehomophone translation of foreign trademark words,with the conclusion that the guidance of the social functions of trademark words on translation and the full play given to the advantages of the target language are the main causes for the metho.谐音双关法是一种富有中国特色的新的翻译方法 ,近年被广泛用于商标词翻译中 ,并获得了极大的成功。

3)homophonic puns语音双关

1.The puns in English mainly arehomophonic puns and homographic puns.文章在pun的表层结构上,论述了语音双关和语义双关,并对其在文学作品、广告、谜语等运用上进行了分析与研究。


1.This essay deals with some rhetorical figures such as rhyme,alliteration andhomophone.通过英汉两种语言语音修辞的异同,从尾韵、头韵、谐音在语音修辞方面所起的作用进行对比研究,引导读者从语音修辞的角度了解语言的声音美,语言的传神,从而更好地理解语言,更好地发挥语言在交流中所起的桥梁作用。

2.There are close relations among Chinese language taboo,admiration andhomophone .汉语语言的忌讳、崇拜和谐音的关系密切。

3.The current use ofhomophones in advertising language is increasing,with both positive and negative effect.当前,广告语言艺术中的谐音现象日趋增多,其中积极作用与消极影响并存,而消极影响显得越来越大,现已被越来越多的人所认识。


1.This paper presents a brief discussion on Chinese cybertalk from the semiotic per-spective,and the homophony strategies are considered to be the main and effective way to produce the cybertalk signs.本文从符号学的角度对网语进行了初步探讨,认为谐音策略是网语符号生成的主要方式之一,并归纳分析了谐音对译、谐音别解、谐音仿词、谐音代字、谐音假借和谐音节略六种形式。

2.As a culture-centered feature in Chinese rhetoric,homophony is closely related to Chinese culture.谐音作为一种具有汉民族文化特色的修辞手段,与汉文化的关系极为密切。

6)partial tone谐音

1.The use ofpartial tone in network language makes it show charming.而许多网络词语和语句正是运用了谐音的手段,使网络语言呈现出其特有的魅力。


