50字范文 > 口语交际教学 oral communication teaching英语短句 例句大全

口语交际教学 oral communication teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-23 07:47:27


口语交际教学 oral communication teaching英语短句 例句大全

口语交际教学,oral communication teaching

1)oral communication teaching口语交际教学

1.Many foreign experts and scholars have also done a lot of research, providing a theoretical basis for ouroral communication teaching.国外不少专家、学者对此也做了大量的研究,为我们的口语交际教学提供了一定的理论依据。

2.The Chineseoral communication teaching of secondary vocation hasn’t got the same position of reading and writing teaching yet, of course, hasn’t got the satisfied results, although it has been talked about and carried out for many years.中职语文口语交际教学提了很多年,也实施了很多年。

3.Based on the full-time Chinese syllabus of compulsory education (trial edition), this essay lays emphasis on the comprehensive study of Chineseoral communication teaching.本文以《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》为依据,对口语交际教学进行了全方位研究。


1.Research on Oral Communication Teaching of Chinese under the New Course Standard in Middle School;新课标下中学语文口语交际教学研究

2.The Research on Sentimentality Factors in the Chinese Oral Communication Teaching;语文口语交际教学中情感因素的研究

3.The Thought and Practice of Senior High School Oral Chinese Communication Teaching;高中语文口语交际教学的思考与实践

4.New Curriculum-Based Research on the Oral Chinese Communication Teaching for Junior Middle Schools新课标下初中语文口语交际教学研究

5.Oral English Teaching and the Promotion of Students Communicative Competence;英语口语教学与口语交际能力的培养

6.The help of oral insruction what the communcative approach does;交际教学法对“教师口语”教学的启示

7.Cultivation of oral communication competence in English teaching in universities;大学英语教学中口语交际能力的培养

8.Application of Communicative Strategy in Oral Teaching of College English;大学英语口语教学中交际策略的运用

9.On Cross-cultural Communication Competence in College English Speaking Class;大学英语口语教学与跨文化交际能力

10.On the Communicative Approaches in the Teachingof College Oral Engish;交际法在大学英语口语教学中的运用

11.How to train learners communicative ability in oral English teaching;英语口语教学如何培养学生交际能力

municative Oral English Testing and Interactive Oral English Teaching;交际性英语口语测试与互动式英语口语教学

13.Application of CLT in Teaching Speaking in Junior High School交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用

14.On Cultivating Communicative Competence in Oral English Teaching at Senior Middle School;高中英语口语教学中交际能力的培养

munication Strategies in Oral English Course for Adult Students;成人英语口语教学中的交际策略研究

municative Environment in Vocational College Oral English Class;谈谈高职英语口语教学中的交际环境

17.On Intercultural Communicative Competence and Spoken English Teaching;也谈跨文化交际能力与英语口语教学

18.On the Teaching of Spoken English and the Ability of Intercultural Communication;英语口语教学与跨文化交际能力培养


the teaching of oral communication口语交际教学

1.Investigation suggests thatthe teaching of oral communication in middle schools is not going on in a good way and the students ability is rather poor,which tells us that a number of people don t realize the properties of oral communication and its importance.调查发现,目前中学口语交际教学处于无序、低效的状态,表明不少人对口语交际教学的性质及其重要性缺乏正确的认识。

3)Communicative oral English teaching英语口语交际教学

4)Chinese oral communication teaching语文口语交际教学

5)The teaching of Chinese spoken language汉语口语交际教学

6)oral communication teaching"s materials口语交际教学教材


《藏汉对照拉萨口语词典》中国第一部藏语口语词典。以记录现代藏语拉萨口语词汇为主,并用汉语解释词义。于道泉主编。1983年10月由北京民族出版社出版。于道泉(1901~)山东临淄人。早年就读于齐鲁大学和北京大学,攻数学,精通藏语、蒙古语、满语、英语、法语、德语、梵语等。1931年将六世达赖仓洋嘉错情歌从藏文译为汉文和英文,轰动国际藏学界。1934年赴法留学,专攻土耳其文,后执教于英国伦敦东方非洲研究院。1949年归国,先后任北京大学和中央民族学院藏文教授。 这部词典共收词语2.9万余条。除日常生活用语外,还包括一部分常用的新词术语、人名地名、成语谚语以及医药、科技、天文历算等方面的专业用语。以藏文正字为主要词目,按藏文字母顺序排列,少数无正字的口语词,依实际读音,用藏文拼写。遇有不规则读音,在正字后面用括孤注出俗字,以便初识字的藏族读者从音查字。此外,为了便于其他民族学习和研究藏语拉萨方言,每一词条后均附有准确的拉丁注音,并用汉语作详细的释义。较难解释的语法词附有例句。此书收词多,注音精确,释义详细,是学习和研究现代藏语拉萨方言的重要工具书。
