50字范文 > 爸爸妈妈对我的爱英语日记


时间:2023-05-14 11:07:21





In an instant, it has been 14 years. Fourteen years of ups and downs recorded the hard work of mother and father. Mom and Dad, you work so hard, all for my healthy growth, this is family. Family is full of bitterness and joy. Sometimes family love is like a cup of special bitter Chinese medicine; sometimes it is like a cup of sweet milk. Family love is unpredictable and full of rain, dew and wind. My father and mother are not very outstanding, but in my heart, they are my only spiritual support; at the same time, they are my close friends. What I admire most is my father, who is the head of the family. No matter how difficult things are, my father can always solve them for me. My mother also encouraged me to overcome difficulties. Mother is very ordinary, but she is my strong backing, no matter how difficult things will be encouraged by her and make me face difficulties again.


I think mother"s love is like a boat, and father"s love is like a sail. It is because of the ship and sail partner that I can grow up so healthily. I want to say to mom and Dad, "I feel your love, mom and Dad I love you!"
