50字范文 > 介绍你最喜欢的中国历史人物_1000字_英语作文


时间:2020-05-15 07:41:19



假设是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim自给你的邮件中提到他对中国历史感兴趣,请你介绍一位你喜欢的中国历史人物。请你给她回信:1.该人物是谁 2.该人物主要贡献 3.该人物对你的影响

Dear Jim,

I am so glad to hear that youare interested in Chinese History.And you wanted to know who is my favorite historical person,now let me introduce him to you.

In 1895,a famous war broke out in North Korea,myfavorite historical person--DengShichangparticipated in Qing Dynasty Fleet,which was the NO.1 Asian Fleet.But Qing Dynasty rejected all western cultures,which made them fall behind the world.So Japanese Fleet were more powerful than Qing`s.

Deng was the commender of "Zhi Yuan "" warship.On that day,plenty of important warships in Qing Dynasty Fleet,which were attacked by Japanese`s.Suddenly,he found a Japanese destroyer was inflicted heavey losses by Qing Dynasty`s,which was eager to retreat!He commended warship to crash and make it sink into the sea!But unfortunately

"Zhi Yuan" was sunk by Japanese torpedoes.

All in all,Qing Dynasty was defeated by Japanese.But DengShichang`s spirit and his bravery heart had a huge impact on me, which inspired me to devote myself tosaving my motherland when she is in a crisis state!
