50字范文 > 英语辩论赛话题(2):穿着打扮是否重要


时间:2022-07-16 22:19:12



I think clothes and fashion speak to people about what kind of person you are. They help you form a good first impression. So, dressing well is important and necessary. 我认为,从一个人的穿着打扮能够看出他(她)是个怎么样的人。衣服能够帮助你给他人留下一个好印象。所以,合体的衣装打扮是十分重要和必要的。 Everyone loves beautiful things. Therefore, if you dress with a bad taste( 品味), you will give others a bad impression. Whats more, dressing well and fashionably can give you great confidenc. In my view, the clothes we wear say much about our personality. Just as a saying goes, you e what you wear. 每个人都喜欢漂亮的事物。因此,如果你在穿着上的品味太差,一定会给他人留下糟糕的印象。另外,大方合体的穿着还能够增加你的自信。在我看来,着装可以透露出我们的性格,就像一句老话“人如衣装”。 The inner qualities are more important than dress. 内在品质比外部装扮更重要。 At present, more and more people are paying great attention to their dress. But in my view, the inner qualities( 内在品质) are more important than the way dress, since your inner qualities decide who you are and who you will 如今,越来越多的人对其穿着打扮过分关注。但我认为一个人内在的品质要远比其外表穿着更重要,因为内在的品质决定了你现在是并将会是什么样的人。 I think pursuing fashion is nothing more than a waste of time and money. Many women squander (浪费,乱花) vast sum of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. 我认为追求时尚只不过是浪费时间和金钱。许多女人每年都要花费大量的金钱在买新衣服上,但事实上,她们的旧衣服依然可以穿。 Although first impression is important in our daily life, it can be changed by further communication. Therefore, the most importan thing for us to pursue(追求) is inner qualities rather than fashionable clothes. 尽管在我们日常生活中,第一印象十分重要,但这是能通过以后的交流而被改变的。因此,对于我们来说,最重要的是追求内在美,而并非那些时尚的衣物。 (编辑:何莹莹)
