50字范文 > 酒店常用英语口语:酒店入住英语对话—换房间


时间:2024-05-14 16:00:21



I hope well be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.


And if there is anything more you need, please let us know.


The light in this room is too dim.


Please get me a brighter one.


Certainly,sir.Ill be back right away.


The room is too cold for me.I feel rather cold when I sleep.


Dialogue A

A guest(B) wants to change a room.He goes to the assistant manager(A)

A:Good morning,sir.What can I do for you?

B:Im Bell.Im in Room 908.Can you change the room for me?Its too noisy.My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made.She said it was too much for her.

A:Im awfully sorry,sir.I do apologize.Room 908 is at the end of the corridor.Its possible that the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet.

B:Anyhow,Id like to change our room.

A:No problem,sir.Well manage it,but we don have any spare room today.Could you wait till tomorrow?The American People-to-people Education Delegation will be leaving tomorrow morning.Therell be some rooms for you to choose from.

B:All right.I hope well be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.

A:Be sure.Ill make a note of that.Everything will be taken care of.And if there is anything more you need,please let us know.

Dialogue B

A:Good evening,maam.Did you ring for service?What can I do for you?

B:Yes.The light in this room is too dim.Please get me a brighter one.

A:Certainly,sir.Ill be back right away…Do you mind if I move your things?

B:Oh,no.Go ahead.

A:Thank you…How is the light now?

B:Its much better now.Thank you.

A:You e welcome.And if you need any other things,please let us know.

B:Ah,yes,the room is too cold for me.I feel rather cold when I sleep.Can you turn off the air-conditioning?

A:(Checks)The air-conditioning is already off,maam.

B:Maybe Im getting a cold.

A:Would you like an extra blanket?

B:OK.And would you please get me some hot water,too?I think I need to take some medicine.

A: Certainly,maam.Ill be right back…here is a blanket,and hot water for you.Anything else?


A:Good night,ma,am.

Words and Expressions

elevator n.电梯

corridor n.走廊,回廊

delegation n.代表团

extra a.额外的,外加的

blanket n.羊毛毯,毯子,毛毡
