50字范文 > 北京实验学校100周年校庆暨秋季运动会开幕式掠影


时间:2021-11-12 11:41:21



On November 17, , Beijing Experimental School, the 100th anniversary celebration and autunm sportsmeet opening ceremony was held in the spit . This school was founded by Xiong Xiling, the fourth premier of Beiyang Government in 1920 . 11月17日,北京实验学校秋季运动会开幕暨百年校庆仪式在小雨中开幕。北京实验学校始建于19,由北洋政府第四任总理熊希龄创建.

The square team entered the arena with large flag of celebration. 班级方队高举巨型校庆旗帜入场。

The square team entered the arena in the shape of "100". 班级方队入场,队伍拼成“100”字样。

The girls in red ancient costume marched , natural and gracefu, followed by the students in uniforms. 大红古装女生在前,潇洒飘逸,校服方队端庄大方。

Torches and sunflowers stood for the glorious traditions and prosperous look. 火炬与向日葵,象征北实光荣的革命传统和欣欣向荣的学校面貌。

Basketball act was combined with hip-hop ,sporty and fashional.篮球运动和街舞相结合,动感而新潮。

The modest and graceful costume showed the modern look of students. 谦谦君子和窈窕淑女的装束代表了北实学子的现代风貌。

The sporty hip-hop revealed the great achievements of "charm education". 动感的街舞展示了北实"魅力教育"的硕果。

The well-trained square team marched in beautiful formations. 步伐整齐划一,训练有素。

"One good headmaster equals a good school." Zheng Junliang ,headmaster of Beijing Experimental School, stood on the playground in the rain . He took photos and cheered for classes. Usually leaders sit in the platform on the platform. “一个好校长就是一所好学校”。北京实验学校曾军良校长,没有坐在高高的主席台上观摩,而是淋着小雨,始终和全体师生在运动场站立,为班级喝彩、给每个班拍照。

The ceremony was hosted by two students of Grade 8. 主席台上是两位八年级学生主持开幕式.

The judges stood on on the platform together with teachers from other areas. 评委和外地参观学习的老师在主席台上观摩。
