50字范文 > 优美伤感小句 城南故事多

优美伤感小句 城南故事多

时间:2019-09-08 03:14:05


优美伤感小句 城南故事多


The snow in winter was ironed flat and still on the ground. Western jackdaw skimmed a few times. It was the falling snow on the treetops, frost and flowers on the earth, icy dew, and a few drops of beads and tears that passed away yesterday hanging on the eaves.


Linjiang looks at the spring water, and the lovesickness spreads for thousands of miles. It is a lonely shadow ship flying south. Peach blossoms in front of the stream are soaked in water and cold. Fallen flowers intentionally follow the flowing water. The flowing water does not intend to let the water chase. It swims freely in the southeast and northwest.


The south tower of Gusu is covered with frost and moss, saying that all the people in the world are separated. The colorful lights hung high in the romantic moon. The girl softly appeals to her love. In the romantic moon world, a pipa tearfully wishes to speak first, but the sound is also leisurely, and the thought is also loud. It can sing all the mournful feelings of the south tower.


In the story of the South Tower, the wind blows music and flute, and the wind knows autumn frost. The beautiful woman dances to pour people into the country, and the peach blossom in her eyes and eyes smiles three times. Naturally, the country is full of beauty and the whole city is full of beauty. She looks at the stupid beings looking for heaven and earth and worships everywhere.


In the thirteenth month of the human world, maple leaves are red and transparent. On that day, I saw the moon in non-spring, non-summer, non-autumn, non-winter, and neither happiness nor sadness. It was just a phantom in my dream. The lotus bloomed red in my heart. It was a dream, a phantom, an uncertain future, and I could not set foot on his way home.


If you don come into my dream, how can you know that the flowers in the south of the city are already blooming, the azaleas are weeping blood, the white tea is weeping, and the tea leaves are blooming all over Huacheng? This is a strange way for the world. You go north, I go south, the bridge goes back to the bridge, the road goes back to the road, and the world does not meet.




