50字范文 > 猴子捞月英文 猴子捞月英文绘本故事

猴子捞月英文 猴子捞月英文绘本故事

时间:2020-10-28 07:55:38


猴子捞月英文 猴子捞月英文绘本故事

Title: The Monkey Fishing for the Moon

Recently, my friend shared with me the fascinating Chinese myth of the monkey fishing for the moon. This story, passed down for generations, has significant cultural and philosophical implications. In this article, I will explore the essential themes of the story and the lessons we can learn from it.

According to the myth, a monkey living in the mountains noticed the reflection of the moon in a nearby pond. Believing that the moon had fallen into the water, the monkey decided to fish it out. He first made a fishing line out of his own hair and then climbed a tree to cast it. Despite his efforts, he couldn retrieve the moon, and his attempts eventually became a local legend.

This story essentially conveys the idea that we all have our aspirations, and sometimes we can become obsessed with achieving them regardless of their feasibility. The monkey fishing for the moon symbolizes the struggle to achieve a seemingly impossible goal. The determination shown by the monkey to achieve this is truly remarkable. However, the story also shows a lesson that, while aspirations are important, they should never overshadow our role in society.

Further, the story also touches upon the idea that vanity can often get the best of us. The monkey, in his attempts to fish out the moon, went to great lengths to construct his fishing line. The hair on his head was his trademark, and he felt that he could not lose it. This desire for personal glory led him to go haywire and ultimately not achieve his goal.

The story also emphasizes the importance of knowing when to leave things alone. The monkeys obsession with retrieving the moon did not yield any results. He could have been much happier and lived a much happier life if he stepped out of his obsessive thought process and appreciated the beauty of the moons reflection in the pond.

The monkey fishing for the moon also teaches us that we should not confine ourselves to narrow perspectives. Sometimes, we need to step back and see the bigger picture. The monkey was so obsessed with retrieving the moon that he never took a step back to see the entire pond. Had he done so, he would have realized that the moon was in the sky, and his efforts were futile.

The Story of the Monkey and the Moon: A Captivating English Picture Book

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived many monkeys. Among them, there was a wise monkey named Babu. He was respected and admired by the other monkeys for his intelligence and knowledge.

One night, Babu noticed a shining object on the surface of the river. He realized that it was the reflection of the moon. Without delay, he announced to all the monkeys, \"Look! The moon has fallen into the water. We must retrieve it and put it back in the sky.\"

All the monkeys were excited and amazed, but they didn know how to get the moon out of the water. Babu thought for a while and came up with a plan. He told the monkeys to stand in a line, hold each others hands, and try to reach the moon, which would only remain in one place.

With great determination, the monkeys formed a chain, stretching their hands towards the moon, but it was still too far. Soon enough, the monkeys got tired and realized it was impossible to reach it.

Babu knew that he had to come up with a better plan. He observed how the moons reflection appeared wider when the water was still and narrower when it moved. He asked the monkeys to throw rocks and sticks into the water, causing ripples on the surface. As they expected, the moons reflection appeared wider with the ripples.

Babu quickly climbed onto a tall tree, grabbed the moon with his long arms, and placed it back in the sky. The monkeys cheered with joy and celebrated their success.

From that day on, the moon rose every night, illuminating the world with its light. And the monkeys, especially Babu, felt proud of their achievement.

The story of the monkey and the moon teaches us the importance of determination, creativity, and teamwork. Babus intelligence and quick thinking led to the success of the mission, and the monkeys cooperation enabled them to reach their goal.

This captivating English picture book is an excellent way to introduce children to these values while enjoying the storys playful and adventurous aspects. The colorful illustrations bring the story to life, making it even more engaging.

Children will also learn about the natural cycle of the moon and how its reflection works, making it an educational and fun read. The storys language is simple and easy to understand, making it suitable for young readers and those learning English as a second language.
