50字范文 > 春联 春联九字春联大全

春联 春联九字春联大全

时间:2023-04-22 14:43:56


春联 春联九字春联大全


1.1 起源


1.2 特点



2.1 原因


2.2 特点



3.1 相同点


3.2 不同点




This couplet is about celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming good luck and longevity. It mentions the three friends of winter: the pine tree, the bamboo, and the plum blossom, which are symbols of strength, flexibility, and perseverance. The second line suggests the start of a new chapter of happiness and prosperity.

2. 春风吹散冬日雪,新春喜迎福满门。

This couplet talks about the arrival of spring and the end of the cold winter. It highlights the joy and happiness that comes with the Lunar New Year, signified by the phrase “福满门”, meaning full of blessings.

3. 天地融和百花卉,团圆之夜万家灯。

This couplet refers to the tradition of lighting lanterns during the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year. It symbolizes the reunion of families and the unity of all people. It also praises the beauty of nature during spring, with the blooming of various flowers.

4. 春雪妆饰园林香,福门开启喜连篇。

This couplet describes how the spring snow decorates the gardens and makes them more fragrant. It also suggests that the Lunar New Year brings a lot of happiness and blessings to people who open their hearts and welcome them.

5. 万象新图春姏至,欢歌笑语玉人来。

This couplet talks about the arrival of spring and the joy that it brings. The first line suggests that everything is renewed and refreshed during springtime, while the second line mentions the warmth and happiness brought by the coming of loved ones.

6. 金猪献瑞迎春到,红叶报喜贺岁来。

This couplet celebrates the arrival of the Year of the Pig and the joy it brings. The first line suggests that the pig is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, while the second line describes the red leaves that symbolize good news and happiness during the Lunar New Year.

7. 春华秋实在乐中,福佑安康喜团圆。

This couplet highlights the joy and happiness that comes with the bounty of spring and autumn. It also suggests that good luck and good health lead to reunion and harmony in families.

8. 春花烂漫喜迎新,夜灯鲜艳贺团圆。

This couplet describes the beauty and joy of spring with the colorful blooming of flowers. It also highlights the significance of the Lantern Festival, which signifies reunion and brings blessings to those who celebrate it.

9. 赏阅好春灵动笔,联句喜祥报国恩。
