50字范文 > 小学英语日记五句话 小学简单英语日记范文

小学英语日记五句话 小学简单英语日记范文

时间:2019-07-25 11:11:33


小学英语日记五句话 小学简单英语日记范文


Today is Monday. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning. I had a bowl of cornflakes for breakfast. Then I went to school. After school, I played with my friends in the park. I had a great day!

Have you ever kept a diary in English? If not, why not give it a try? Keeping a diary not only helps you improve your English writing skills, but also serves as a good way to express yourself and record your life.

Here are some tips for writing a good English diary:

1. Write in English as much as possible.

The more you write in English, the more you will get used to the language and the easier it will become. Even if you make mistakes, don be afraid to keep writing.

2. Choose a time and place to write every day.

Its important to find a time and place where you can concentrate and have some quiet time to yourself. Some people prefer to write in the morning or at night, while others like to write during their lunch break or on the bus.

3. Write about your feelings, thoughts and experiences.

Write about whats on your mind, what you did today, what you e looking forward to, or anything else that interests you. Don worry about writing perfectly, just let your thoughts flow.

4. Use simple language and sentence structures.

Don try to use complicated vocabulary or sentence structures that you e not comfortable with. Focus on using simple, clear language to express your ideas.

5. Read and review your diary regularly.

Read what youve written and think about how you could improve. Look at the words and sentence structures youve used, and think about how to make them more natural.



Today was a fun day at school! We started off with math class, and I finally figured out how to do long division. It was hard at first, but my teacher was really patient with me and explained it step by step. Now I feel confident that I can do it on my own.

Next we had English class. We learned about contractions, which are words that are made by combining two words and leaving out some letters. For example, \"I am\" becomes \"Im\". Its tricky, but I think I got the hang of it. We also read a story about a dog that goes on an adventure. It was really exciting and had lots of pictures.

After English class, we had art class. Today we got to make paper flowers using tissue paper and pipe cleaners. It was messy but fun, and my flower turned out pretty good if I do say so myself!

Last but not least, we had P.E. class. Today we did relay races, which are races where you pass a baton to your teammate. I was on the blue team and we won! It was really fun and I got a good workout.
