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life book life books

时间:2021-06-14 22:24:18


life book life books

Life has so many different chapters. One bad chapter doesn't mean it's end of the book.

【realme加码AIoT赛道,发布首款笔电realme Book】在成立3周年之际,realme持续加速AIoT赛道布局,进一步完善“1+5+T”生态战略,打造从手机到“TWS、穿戴、TV、笔记本、平板电脑”到TechLife智能家庭设备的完整 AIoT 生态。8月18日在京发布realme首款笔电产品realme Book。

#英语小课堂# 在书店

bookstore 书店

paper book 纸质书

best-seller 畅销书

new arrival 新书区

hardcover 精装书

paperback 平装书

collective edition 珍藏版

rare book 珍本书

staff pick 店员推荐

editor's recommendation 编辑推荐

imported books 进口图书

first edition 出版

new edition 新版

bookshelf 书架

book 书

audio book 有声书

CD 唱片

foreign language 外语

original edition 原版

children's book童书

books with holes 洞洞书

pop-up book 立体书

wall chart 挂图

picture book 图画书

stationery 文具

music 音乐

sports 运动

religion 宗教

life 生活

popularisation of science 科普

biography 传记

comic book 漫画书

arts and photography 艺术与摄影

magazine 杂志

book-signing ceremony 签售活动

author 作者

reader 读者

Life is really a book,

Complex and weighty, it is worth turning to the last page of the individual, and it must be done slowly.



—沈从文 ​

#读书# #情感# #阅读的温度#


Life is a book, the cover is given by their parents, the content is written by themselves, the thickness is decided by myself, and the wonderful degree can be created by themselves.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. Life is short, and truth works far and lives long. Life is a book you write, not a movie you watch. The first step to life is to try. The second is to learn. The third is to share. Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things.



The book" Life and Death In Shanghai" of Cheng nien"is an upgraded Chinese version of "The Shawshank Redemption". This masterpiece is just too magnificient to be neglected.

#什么样的人生追求才有价值# 国学知识【Follow Your Heart】

Ten years ago,I read the book “Phylosophy and Life”,it was written by Professor Fu Peirong,who is a Professor of Taiwan University. In the book,I red a famous saying:“Know yourself and everything is not excessive” that was written on the two pillars of a famous temple in India.

At that time,I did not understand the meaning of “Know yourself”,but now I see it cleraly which means “follow your heart”.

Just like the Song of Amazing Grace: "I once was lost but now am found. Was blind, but now I see. "


[玫瑰]Life is like a book with many pages missing. It's hard to call it a book, but it's really a book.

[玫瑰]As night falls, the birds have quietly gone to sleep. They are the elves who don't know what feather quilts and pillows are.

[玫瑰]They live in the present, but we must live in the past and in the future, and we must taste the pain of regret and worry.

[玫瑰]Maybe we are the only ones who know the pain of the world…





#青岛头条# #茑屋书店# #青岛海天中心# #青岛# #青岛本地头条#

此次媒体发布会上,正式宣布了TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE | 茑屋山东首家门店落户海天Mall,将配合海天Mall“有机生活”的商业核心,合力打造青岛全海景精致生活空间体验式精品商业中心,给青岛市民带来全新生活体验。

除了TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE | 茑屋以外,NIO蔚来中心、米其林梧桐餐厅、黑木廚、精品高端超市Life Super等品牌也将一同入驻,首店品牌将超过15家。

用手机学习英语《New Concept English》@ Lesson 4,Book 3

英语学习需要长期坚持,碎片时候都可以用来学习!最近手机上装了一款《New Concept English》APP,用每天零碎时候学生词、记词组、写句子,效果很不错!

让我们从《新概念英语》第三册开始吧!现在学习第四课:The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔佛来德.布莱克斯的双重生活





a white-collar job、manual worker、white-collar worker、to sacrifice a higher pay for the privilege of 、give a rise 、too embarrassed to say、dressed in a smart black suits、rise in status、be well worth of .



Such is a human nature.that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice a higher pay for the privilege of becoming a white-collar worker.

He will be earning as half as he used to,but he feels that the rise in status is worth of the loss of money.

For Alf has just found another job.

Alf`wife has never found that she has married a dustman,and she will never.

Every morning ,he left home dressed in a smart suit .

He simply told her that he worked for the Corperation.

He will soon be working in an office.

He then changed into the overalls, spent the next eight hours as a dustman.

Every morning,he left home dressed in a black smart suit.




从手机到“TWS、穿戴、TV、笔记本、平板电脑”到TechLife智能家庭设备的完整 AIoT 生态,#realme Book#

living a good life 过着美好的生活

The answer is yes, according to a new book The 10 Golden Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living a Good Life.


short and sweet 简短扼要,短小精悍

Hopefully it will be short and sweet.


A welcome change.


Let's just keep this short and sweet.


You make a lot more money than he does.


I can do this all day.




每个人都有功夫Everybody is kungfu fighting!





爱上了可爱至极的功夫熊猫:Although the future is a little bit frightning,it’s the book of your life that you’re writing。尽管未来有艰难险阻,但勇于谱写生命的乐章。#360行闪光时刻# #育儿季# #职场上的勾心斗角#

【.3.31 #好书分享#:《建宋:赵匡胤的奋斗》】





