50字范文 > 读英语幽默小故事悟大道理:意见是最有价值也是最没有价值的东西


时间:2018-10-26 07:57:14



Nasreddin sat drinking coffee and talking with some of his old friends . One of the things they discussed was the difference between one persons sense of values and another s . After some minutes , one of Nasreddins friends said to him , Well , Nasreddin ,you are a wise man , but you have said nothing on this subject yet . What do you consider to be the most valuable thing in the world ?


Nasreddin answered without hesitation , I consider advice the most valuable thing in the world .


His friends thought about this for a few monents , and them one of them asked him , And what do you consider the most worthless things in the world ?


Again Nasreddin replied without hesitating for a moment , I consider adivce the most worthless thing in the world .


Really ! said one of his friends . You must be joking , Nasreddin ! A minute ago you said that advice is the most valuable thing in the world , and now you say that it is the most worthless thing in the world ! How can it be both the most worthless ?


Well , answered Nasreddin , if you think about the matter carefully , you will see that I am not joking , and that I am quite right . When you give somebody good advice , and he takes it ,advice is the most valuable thing in the world . But when you give a person advice and he does not take it , it is the most worthless thing in the world .

译文:“奥,”纳斯瑞丁回答说:“假如你对这个问题仔细想想,你就会明白我不是在开玩笑,而是完全正确的。 当你给某人提了个意见,他接受了,那么意见就是世界上最有价值的东西。但是当你给别人提的意见别人不接受,那么它就是世界上最没有价值的东西。”
